The end of the what-to-watch struggle

Bingy is group project from the course databased publishing (nov -21 to jan -22). In a group of 5, we jointly ideated a concept, designed and programmed a webb app.

Since the course was code-focused, so was this project initially. One year later (spring -23), with lots of new knowledge and a design focus, I re-designed the app individually.


Choosing what to watch & finding where to stream it can be a struggle

Entertainment platforms offer choices in abundance. Navigating several different services range to find something for you is becoming more and more work.


Bingy helps you navigate the entertainment chaos

Taking inspiration from GoodReads, a book community app, we wanted to create a similar solution for movies and series. An app where the user can organize and track what they’ve watched and want to watch. But also a community where users can discover new media though people they follow. 


Bingy is group project from the course databased publishing. In a group of 5, we jointly ideated a concept, designed and programmed a webb app. One year later, with lots of new knowledge and a design focus, I re-designed the app individually.


After defining the concept and the functionalities we wanted to focus on, we started sketching. We used the crazy-eight-method to work out the structure of each page.

Graphic identity

This first graphic identity was created with inspiration from the film industry and cinema.

Creating wireframes

After defining the final page structure on paper, we took it to Figma. We created components, finalized the page structure and used the wireframes to plan our code.


We started the development process all together, contributing according to ability. Using JavaScript and PHP we developed Bingy as a web app.

Identifying problems

About a year later I revisited this project and with new learnings and knowledge I identified a couple of problems.

  1. The original graphic identity was creating unnessescary mental load by stealing attention from the content.

  2. Some of the elements where not design with the content in mind, for example the posts on the feed.

  3. Making posts and interacting with movies is pretty complicated

Sketching for solutions

To start working with these three problems, I wen back to pen and paper to explore different and better solutions.

final screens

Meet Bingy 2.0

Explore page

Explore trending movies & find curated recommendations for you. Looking for something specific? Search for movies, actors or friends.


Keep track of what you friends are watching to find inspiration. Interact and discuss reviews.

Movie profile

Track what you’ve watched or want to watch and find out everything you every wondered about a movie; ratings, reviews, actors and where it’s available.


Log the movies you've watched and rated, organize them into folders, and discover new people with similar tastes to follow.


Herd | UX case study


INVO | concept + prototype